Production Roles
For the event of a production member leaving the team we have set up a couple of procedures. This is done to make the switch of roles more fluent to prevent any stalls in development.
Team Lead
- Responsible of the quality, coherency and functionality of the product.
- Responsible of attending the y3 production roundtables. Furthermore, facilitates communication and is responsible for the team.
The responsibilities of the programming lead are but not limited to:
- Oversee research.
- Oversee code reviews.
- Manage the technical design document.
- Assign people to tasks. (Make sure they are comfortable in the task)
- Communication with other production members.
- Responsible for the code base
- Be a person who has knowledge of the tech used in the project and is able to answere any (high level) technical questions.
Scrum Master
- Ownership and responsibility of individual work.
- The quality, functionality and conformity to vision within the guidelines of the project.