• Introduction
  • Setting Up Your Workspace
  • Development Pipeline
  • Product Overview
  • Writing Proposals
  • Coding Standards
  • Planning
  • Profiling Plan
  • Documentation Standard
  • Quality Assurance
  • Build Server
  • Risk Assessment
  • Production Roles
  • The Team
  • Configuration Management
  • Credits
  • Wiki Contributions

  • Renderer

  • Architecture
  • How To Use Fallback
  • Detailed Feature List
  • Research
  • Coding Standards

    The following coding standard is a modified version of Lefticus coding standard available on github and the C++ Code Guidelines.

    Table of Content

    Automated Code Analysis

    Automated analysis is the main advantage to working with a modern statically typed compiled language like C++. Code analysis tools can inform us when we have implemented an operator overload with a non-canonical form, when we should have made a method const, or when the scope of a variable can be reduced.

    In short, these tools catch the most commonly agreed best practice mistakes we are making and help educate us to write better code. We will be fully utilizing these tools.


    All reasonable warning levels should be enabled. Some warning levels, such as GCC’s -Weffc++ warning mode can be too noisy and will not be recommended for normal compilation.

    GCC / Clang

    A good combination of settings is -Wall -Wextra -Wshadow -Wnon-virtual-dtor -pedantic

    • -Wall -Wextra: reasonable and standard
    • -Wshadow: warn the user if a variable declaration shadows another with the same name in the same scope
    • -Wnon-virtual-dtor: warn the user if a class with virtual functions has a non-virtual destructor. This can lead to hard to track down memory errors
    • -pedantic: warn about non-portable code, C++ that uses language extensions.


    MSVC has fewer warning options, so all warnings should be enabled: /W4. /Wall could be considered, but does not seem to be recommended even by microsoft.

    Static Analyzers

    Static analyzers look for errors that compilers do not look for, such as potential performance and memory issues. Every programmer of the team is to use atleast 1 static analyzer when writing code.


    Cppcheck is free and opensource. It strives for 0 false positives and does a good job at it. Therefor all warning should be enabled: -enable=all

    Clang’s Static Analyzer

    Clang’s analyzer’s default options are good for the respective platform. It can be used directly from cmake.

    MSVC’s Static Analyzer

    Can be enabled with the /analyze command line option. For now we will stick with the default options.

    Code Coverage Analysis

    A coverage analysis tool shall be run when tests are executed to make sure the entire application is being tested. Unfortunately, coverage analysis requires that compiler optimizations be disabled. This can result in significantly longer test execution times.

    The most likely candidate for a coverage visualization is the lcov project. A secondary option is coveralls, which is free for open source projects.

    This is not required for every programmer to use. We’ll run this every now and than to see where we lack testing.

    Ignoring Warnings

    If it is determined by team consensus that the compiler or analyzer is warning on something that is either incorrect or unavoidable, the team will disable the specific error to as localized part of the code as possible.

    Unit Tests

    There should be a test enabled for every feature or bug fix that is committed. See also “Code Coverage Analysis.” I recommend to write unit tests before writing the feature. This gives you a clear guideline for how you should implement said feature. Every team member should actively help increase test coverage


    Folder Structure

    We are using folders instead of filters since we possibly want to target other IDE’s than Visual Studio. All folders should be named in snake_case style.

    Naming Convention

    • Types and functions start with capitals: MyClass & MyMethod (PascalCase)
    • variables are completely lower case separated by underscores: unsigned my_var = 0; (snake_case)
    • static global constants are all capital: const int PI=3.1415;
    • Enum types are all capitals: enum class Weather { RAINY, COUDY };

    Why do we use snake_case instead of camelCase? A lot of the resources online use camelCase thus when copying code you have to make changes to it fits the style guide. While your changing the copied code you’ll have a high chance of finding inefficiencies or ugly code. Of course copying code from the internet should be avoided but we can’t control that.

    Distinguish Private Object Data

    Name private data with a m_ prefix to distinguish it from public data.

    Distinguish Function Parameters

    Name function parameters with an t_ prefix.

    Well formed example

    class MyClass
      MyClass(int t_data)
        : m_data(t_data)
      int GetData() const
        return m_data;
      int m_data;

    Distinguish C++ Files From C Files

    C++ source file should be named .cpp or .cc NOT .c C++ header files should be named .hpp NOT .h

    Use nullptr

    C++11 introduces nullptr which is a special type denoting a null pointer value. This should be used instead of 0 or NULL to indicate a null pointer.

    Never Use using In a Header File

    This causes the name space you are using to be pulled into the namespace of the header file.

    Namespace Closing Curly Brace Comment

    The closing brace of a namespace should be commented with the name of the namespace. For example:

    namespace d3d12
    	// ...
    } /* d3d12 */

    Don’t ever use using namespace std

    Never write using namespace std. This is done to keep the code consistent. For example some where in your code you might read std::vector or vector which is inconsistent. Also this prevents you from having the think about whether using namesapce std is used when modifying a part of the code base you didn’t write.

    Prefer STL headers over old C headers.

    For example you should prefer std::size_t over size_t. This is done to keep the code consistent with the STL.

    Include Guards

    We don’t use the old school include guards. Even though #pragma once isn’t part of the standard it is adopted widely enough that we don’t have to worry about it. Especially since our graphics API is DirectX12 which only runs on windows and only compiles using MSVC (and clang and GCC with some work).

    #pragma once
    namespace MyProject
      class MyClass

    Put braces on a new line

    Put your braces on a new line.

    // Good Idea
    int MyFuncton()
    // Bad Idea
    int MyFuncton() {

    4 spaces indent level.

    Spaces are not allowed, and a mixture of tabs and spaces is strictly forbidden. Modern autoindenting IDEs and editors require a consistent standard to be set.

    // Good Idea
    int MyFunction(bool t_b)
        if (t_b)
            // do something

    {} are required for blocks.

    Leaving them off can lead to semantic errors in the code.

    // Bad Idea
    // this compiles and does what you want, but can lead to confusing
    // errors if close attention is not paid.
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      std::cout << i << std::endl;
    // Bad Idea
    // the cout is not part of the loop in this case even though it appears to be
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      std::cout << i << std::endl;
    // Good Idea
    // It's clear which statements are part of the loop (or if block, or whatever)
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      std::cout << i << std::endl;

    Keep lines a reasonable length

    // Bad Idea
    // hard to follow
    if (x && y && MyFunctionThatReturnsBool() && caseNumber3 && (15 > 12 || 2 < 3))
    // Good Idea
    // Logical grouping, easier to read
    if (x && y && MyFunctionThatReturnsBool() 
        && caseNumber3 
        && (15 > 12 || 2 < 3))

    Use “” For Including Local Files

    <> is reserved for system includes.

    // Bad Idea. Requires extra -I directives to the compiler
    // and goes against standards
    #include <string>
    #include <includes/MyHeader.hpp>
    // Worse Idea
    // requires potentially even more specific -I directives and 
    // makes code more difficult to package and distribute
    #include <string>
    #include <MyHeader.hpp>
    // Good Idea
    // requires no extra params and notifies the user that the file
    // is a local file
    #include <string>
    #include "MyHeader.hpp"

    Initialize Member Variables

    …with the member initializer list. And do it in the order the variables are declared.

    // Bad Idea
    class MyClass
      MyClass(int t_value)
        m_value = t_value;
      int m_value;
    // Good Idea
    // C++'s memeber initializer list is unique to the language and leads to
    // cleaner code and potential performance gains that other languages cannot 
    // match
    class MyClass
      MyClass(int t_value)
        : m_value(t_value)
      int m_value;

    Forward Declare when Possible


    // some header file
    class MyClass;
    void DoSomething(const MyClass &);

    instead of:

    // some header file
    #include "MyClass.hpp"
    void DoSomething(const MyClass &);

    This is a proactive approach to speeding-up compilation times.

    Always Use Namespaces

    There is almost never a reason to declare an identifier in the global namespaces. Instead, functions and classes should exist in an appropriately named namespaces or in a class inside of a namespace. Identifiers which are placed in the global namespace risk conflicting with identifiers from other (mostly C, which doesn’t have namespaces) libraries.

    Namespaces In Source Files

    Don’t do

    void my_namespace::my_nested_namespace::MyClass::MyFunction()

    Instead do:

    namespace my_namespace::my_nested_namespace
    	void MyClass::MyFunction()
    } /* my_namespace::my_nested_namespace */

    Avoid Compiler Macros

    Compiler definitions and macros are replaced by the pre-processor before the compiler is ever run. This can make debugging very difficult because the debugger doesn’t know where the source came from.

    // Good Idea
    namespace my_project {
      class Constants {
        static const constexpr double PI = 3.14159;
    // Bad Idea
    #define PI 3.14159;

    Performance and Safety

    Limit Variable Scope

    Variables should be declared as late as possible, and ideally, only when it’s possible to initialize the object. Reduced variable scope results in less memory being used, more efficient code in general, and helps the compiler optimize the code further.

    // Good idea
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      MyObject obj(i);
      // do something with obj
    // Bad Idea
    MyObject obj; // meaningless object initialization
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      obj = MyObject(i); // unnecessary assignment operation
      // do something with obj
    // obj is still taking up memory for no reason

    Use Exceptions Instead of Return Values to Indicate Error

    Exceptions cannot be ignored. Return values, such as using boost::optional, can be ignored and if not checked can cause crashes or memory errors. An exception, on the other hand, can be caught and handled. Potentially all the way up the highest level of the application with a log and automatic restart of the application.

    Stroustrup, the original designer of C++, makes this point much better than I ever could.

    However do not be discouraged from using std::optional. In situations it can be very helpfull. But never use it when a error occurs that is not expected to occur.

    Avoid raw memory access

    Raw memory access, allocation and deallocation, are difficult to get correct in C++ without risking memory errors and leaks. C++11 provides tools to avoid these problems.

    // Bad Idea
    MyClass *myobj = new MyClass;
    // ...
    delete myobj;
    // Good Idea
    std::shared_ptr<MyClass> myobj = make_shared<MyClass>();
    // ... 
    // myobj is automatically freed for you whenever it is no longer used.

    Please no that a smart pointer only shoulbe be passed by reference or const reference if you modify its lifetime. Else just use a raw pointer for compatibility reasons. See the C++ Core Guidelines for more information.

    Avoid global data

    … this includes singleton objects

    Global data leads to unintended sideeffects between functions and can make code difficult or impossible to parallelize. Even if the code is not intended today for parallelization, there is no reason to make it impossible for the future.

    Prefer pre-increment to post-increment

    … when it is semantically correct. Pre-increment is faster then post-increment because it does not require a copy of the object to be made.

    // Bad Idea
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
      std::cout << i << std::endl;
    // Good Idea
    for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i)
      std::cout << i << std::endl;

    Const as much as possible

    const tells the compiler that a variable or method is immutable. This helps the compiler optimize the code and helps the developer know if a function side effects. Also, using const & prevents the compiler from copying data unnecessarily. Here are some comments on const from John Carmack.

    // Bad Idea
    class MyClass
      MyClass(std::string t_value)
        : m_value(t_value)
      std::string get_value() 
        return m_value;
      std::string m_value;
    // Good Idea
    class MyClass
      MyClass(const std::string &t_value)
        : m_value(t_value)
      std::string get_value() const
        return m_value;
      std::string m_value;

    Prefer Stack Operations to Heap Operations

    Heap operations have performance penalties in mulithreaded environments on most platforms and can possibly lead to memory errors if not used carefully.

    Modern C++11 has special move operations which are designed to enhances the performance of stack based data by reducing or eliminating copies, which can bring even the single threaded case on par with heap based operations.

    References and Further Reading